I am proud to announce that my blog has now officially become my very own web address:


That's right everyone, update your bookmarks!

Keep reading, subscribing, questioning, and commenting. I love to talk and read about all things Spain, so anything you want to know or any suggestions you have about my blog, don't hesitate to write me at [email protected]

Thanks for reading!

Muchos besos,
Robert Kennedy
1/19/2012 10:11:07 pm

Your blog is awesome Jen!! I've learned a lot about Spain because of it. Keep having an amazing time over there and keep the blogs coming!!

1/20/2012 08:36:30 pm

Gracias, Robert! It's nice to know people care about something I care about too. I still have an open couch when you decide to make that eurotrip, just so you know! :)


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