After being back in Spain for a few weeks now, I have become settled into my new vida
The week has been filled with errands of a foreigner. I have mastered the final paperwork for my visa, received a spanish identification number, opened a bank account, and learned how to use the city bus system. All in another language. Eh....¿Como?

With each walk to the extranjeros office, trip on the bus, or walk to the supermarket, I pass things that make me remember the reason I am here.

It's the little things that I forgot about when I was gone that add to the reason of why I love this place so much.
The noise from the crosswalks as you're crossing the street.

The little kids on the streets trying to get their mother's attention yelling "Mama, mama!" in the most urgent way.

The jingle for Mercadona

The peacocks walking around like they own the park, Campo Grande.
The yellow tint of street lights at night.

The life in the street, no matter the day or time.

English spoken to me by Spaniards. "I am from Espain. He went to the esoccer match and left because he was very boring."

The awkward moment when you go in for a handshake as an American and then get kissed on the cheek, twice. Dos besos.

The Camino de Santiago seashells placed around the city.

The thought has crossed my mind this week of "What the hell am I doing here?". 

But, with every new day that passes, I am finding something that I continue to love about Spain.

And each time that same thought comes to mind, I know that I can just open my eyes and ears to all the wonderful things around me and remember that sometimes it is the little things that mean the most.
9/16/2011 02:24:12 am

Haha, I had a reverse awkward moment where I was at a Mexican restaurant (thus speaking Spanish) and leaned in for dos besos...ooops.

Aunt B
9/16/2011 10:38:53 am

I love you!!! This is great!

Sarah Scordato
9/18/2011 12:18:42 pm

AH! The crosswalk sound!! It was so annoying, but thinking about it makes me sentimental!


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